bambang toko
A continuation of his Batikkomik series, Untitled transposes the artist’s ‘pop batik’ visuals onto an unconventional surface – the skateboard.
The selected images are reminiscent of vintage Indonesian comic strips, articulated through Bambang’s bright, graphic style.
A continuation of his Batikkomik series, Untitled transposes the artist’s ‘pop batik’ visuals onto an unconventional surface – the skateboard.
The selected images are reminiscent of vintage Indonesian comic strips, articulated through Bambang’s bright, graphic style.
About the artist
Bambang ‘Toko’ Witjaksono is a renowned pioneer of the Indonesian art scene hailing from Yogyakarta, whose works explore social issues around him.
With a keen interest in comics, he primarily creates graphic works, painting large-scale versions of comic book images evocative of the Pop Art movement in the 1960s.
With a keen interest in comics, he primarily creates graphic works, painting large-scale versions of comic book images evocative of the Pop Art movement in the 1960s.